Teacher Feature: Kate Harding

We feel very fortunate to have Kate Harding on the team at Radiate. She is a wonderful teacher, very committed to learning - always studying a deeper aspect of the practice - and her passion for yoga, and dedication to her students is felt in every class.

Describe your teaching style in 5 words or less. Compassionate, creative, strong and fun.

What do you hope students experience in your classes? I hope students feel the joy and delight of being in their body more than listening to the chatter of the mind. I also hope they notice how — over time — they grow stronger, more flexible, and more balanced.

Why/when/where did you go to your very first public yoga class? I took my very first yoga class 25 years ago after seeing a flyer for a yoga retreat in Tulum. I needed that retreat so much that I signed up for a beginning yoga series with the retreat leader. She was a very wonderful teacher in Marin, named Janice Gates. I got very lucky.

Aside from yoga teaching and practicing, how do you currently spend the majority of your time? I do a lot of studies with master teachers, hoping to improve what I can offer my students. I also hang with friends, play pickleball, and hike with my Aussie Bear. And travel whenever I can!

What is something random you know more about than people would expect Grammar.

Very cool, thank you Kate!

You can bring grammar and yoga philosophy questions to Kate weekly: 9:30am Posture, Strength & Mobility and 4:00pm Beginners Yoga on Wednesdays, 9:30am Yoga Flow on Thursdays (last Thursday of every month is Retro Flow - moving your body to a curated playlist) 


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