the benefits of prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga is the same as any yoga practice - you breathe, you stretch, you try to build that mind body connection all while staying present in the moment - the main difference is that an instructor who specializes in prenatal yoga will take extra steps to keep your body and your baby safe, and accommodate your evolving needs.

Rosie Sharkey (E-RYT 200, RYT 500, PRYT) has been helping pregnant people navigate their yoga practice since 2021.  Here, Rosie shares five ways that Prenatal yoga can help ease some common pregnancy anxieties:

“FINDING COMMUNITY.  At the start of every Prenatal class we take a moment for a little check-in so I can know what specific poses or techniques to incorporate for a customized experience.  But this check-in also gives an opportunity to find support from and commiseration with people who are living through the same season of life.  There is no one better than your peers to have as a sounding board or to share their direct experiences.

“BUILDING STAMINA.  Did you know that during pregnancy the amount of fluid in your body increases by 40%? That is a lot of extra weight to carry around!  Simple strength maintaining exercises for your legs, arms, and shoulders will not only help your physical stamina for labor but can also help with recovery postpartum. 

“ADDRESSING PHYSICAL DISCOMFORTS.  Have a lot of heartburn and acid reflux?  We can stretch the pectoral muscles and gently open the chest to create more space for your digestive system.  Swollen ankles and joints?  Let’s get those joints moving to increase blood flow and redistribute all that excess fluid.  Low back pain?  By taking various symmetrical and asymmetrical poses with and without props, we can take pressure off the low back for some relief. 

“RELAXING.  If you practice relaxing, you actually can get better at it!  Breath is one way we can tell the body that it is time to relax.  Longer exhalations cue the vagus nerve to activate our parasympathetic nervous system, eventually switching our systems into a rest and repair mode.  Being in this state is EXACTLY what a growing baby needs to develop their own healthy nervous systems.  We end each class in a fully supported restorative pose and savasana.  It takes time to let the body truly relax but when you can eventually let go, a 10 minute intentional rest can be more rejuvenating than a regular ole nap.

“CONNECTING.  Whether this is your first baby or your 5th one, the experience of being pregnant is going to be its own unique ride.  If it’s your first pregnancy you may be overwhelmed with all of the things to check off the to do list and to learn in preparation to meet you baby, if you have been pregnant before you may be busy with raising little humans and consumed by their needs before you can really focus on what’s to come with the next one.  Making time for Prenatal Yoga gives you at least one hour a week for you to have time alone with and to really build connection with your baby before they make their way earthside.  One of the definitions of yoga is “to yoke” or to connect… taking time to breathe and move with your baby, really listening to what your body and your baby needs, is a special way to start your forever connection with your child.”


Thank you Rosie!

Join Rosie for Prenatal practice on Saturdays at 8:00am. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, email Rosie at!


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